RPM SxS Can Am Maverick X3 " EXTREME HD " Turbo V-Band Clamp

  • RPM SxS Can Am Maverick X3 " EXTREME HD " Turbo V-Band Clamp - RPM SXS
RPM SxS Can Am Maverick X3 RPM SxS Can Am Maverick X3 RPM SxS Can Am Maverick X3 RPM SxS Can Am Maverick X3


RPM SxS Can Am Maverick X3 " EXTREME HD " Turbo V-Band Clamp



Maverick X3 EXTREME HD Turbo V-Band Clamp

The Stock V-band clamp is good for about one use at most. Any machine with a few miles on it tends to built rust on the threads of the factory clamp. Upon removal the threads jam, and the bolt breaks. Also a common issue it the v-bands always stick, this isn't an issue BUT they can be damaged trying to free them off the turbo/exhaust. This is the RPM SxS "EXTREME HD" Turbo T-bolt Clamp. The pictures speak for themselves, she's a warlock!